Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Happy New Year + Time to Clean!

HappyNew Year Everyone!.  Its has been a great 2014 and I have a great feeling 2015 will be even better.  I have been blessed with working with numerous clients the past year who have added to my experience and portfolio.  Every " job" has taught me so much!  I want to take a moment to thank each and everyone one of you that I have had the honour of meeting and doing makeup/hair on.  :) You all inspire me in different ways and push me to do my best everyday <3 .

I want to start off the New Year by suggesting on  "cleaning your makeup inventory" yes that means everything .  New Year New Makeup right?   Here are a few guidelines to follow so get ready to toss your coffee bean lipliner  from 1995 that is still in your drawer ladies
Here is another example of how to tell when you MAC lipstick was made. Very useful!

Hope you Enjoyed how to clean your makeup kit <3
Big News!!, My new Rebranded Website will be launching very soon! Cant wait to 
show you~. New Work, Bio and tons of fun stuff <3